Sunday, August 23, 2009


“During 2003--2007, deaths occurring in the production of crops and animals in the United States totaled 2,334; of these, 108 (5%) involved cattle as either the primary or secondary cause (1). During the same period, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska accounted for 16% of the nation's approximately 985,000 cattle operations and 21% of the nation's cattle and calf herd (2). To better characterize cattle-caused deaths in these four states, investigators reviewed all such deaths occurring during the period 2003--2008 that were detected by two surveillance programs, the Iowa Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (IA FACE) and the Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health (GPCAH). This report summarizes that investigation, which identified 21 cattle-related deaths. These deaths occurred throughout the year, and decedents tended to be older (aged ≥60 years) (67%) and male (95%). Except in one case, the cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head or chest. Circumstances associated with these deaths included working with cattle in enclosed areas (33%), moving or herding cattle (24%), loading (14%), and feeding (14%). One third of the deaths were caused by animals that had previously exhibited aggressive behavior. To reduce the risk for death from cattle-caused injuries, farmers and ranchers should be aware of and follow recommended practices for safe livestock-handling facilities and proper precautions for working with cattle, especially cattle that have exhibited aggressiveness.”

I like bulls and maybe that colors my opinion. To put the number of 2,334 deaths from farming in perspective consider that in the same 2003 – 07 period 212,623 were killed in car accidents.

You will notice, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has no comment on the age of those dispatched by cattle. Also, note the majority of deaths did not occur from bulls.

The dairy studs (AI) are all in financial trouble, and it is likely that more bulls will be used on dairy farms.

Use of bulls will never cause the financial harm to farmers that the studs have with sexed semen.

1 comment:

  1. John I agree with a lot of your thoughts but this one is off the wall. Bulls are dangerous--as you probably know 30 years ago you could not easily find a farm family that did not either have someone who was harmed by a bull or know of someone in the community. I think you do a disservice to attribute this study to a conspiracy by the bull studs
