Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dairy Products Report

Today, the latest "Dairy Products" report was released by USDA: http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/usda/current/DairProd/DairProd-03-02-2010.pdf

This is a most interesting report covering January 2010 and comparative months. Total cheese is much lower than milk production in January on a percentage basis. What happened to the milk? NFDM production was down 17.3% compared with January 2009. And stocks were down held by processors were down 32.3%.

For the very first time, the report lists information about milk protein concentrates. We actually exported more MPCs in December 09 than were made in this country, according to USITC. Also, the USITC data suggests, the selling price for exports is not a money maker.


  1. Eventually I'm thinking that processors feel that it will be possible to make all products without actually using real milk at all, and not only will the government condone this, but consumers will grow to accept it.As far as I can see there is absolutely no empathy whatsoever for dairy farmers and that conspiracy will continue until they have driven the farmers completely out of business.

  2. Today California posted the CWAP NFDM prices for week ending 2/26 and they're at it again. $1.02 lb on volume of 22 million lbs, which makes this a two week selloff of 34 million lbs. Combined with the CME cheese collapse California farmers will be lucky to get $11 a cwt for March.
