Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fonterra SMP Auction Price

The latest Fonterra Internet auction was held today. The average whole milk powder was down 1% while the average anhydrous (butter oil)was up 4%.

Skim milk powder (SMP) average was down 1.4%. Actually, nearby (July 2010)contracts were down but, August through October 2010 were up 1.8% at $1.81 per pound.

For comparison, the most recent NASS price (April 30, 2010) for NFDM was $1.18 per pound.


  1. The rape of the American farmer just continues.

  2. Todays release of the California weighted average for week ending 4/30 is $1.11 on volume of 12 million lbs with no CCC sales. Hold her down boys!

  3. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=amoXfUdOjbD8
    OFT Cuts Dairy Fines After Dropping Some Allegations
