Saturday, October 17, 2009

NY Law

One can only imagine how much better a world this would be if the following law, passed in 1922, was observed.

§ 3. Declaration of policy and purposes. The agricultural industry is
basic to the life of our state. It vitally concerns and affects the
welfare, health, economic well-being and productive and industrial
capabilities of all our people. It is the policy and duty of the state
to promote, foster, and encourage the agricultural industry, with proper
standards of living for those engaged therein; to design and establish
long-range programs for its stabilization and profitable operation; to
increase through education, research, regulation, and scientific means,
the quantity, quality, and efficiency of its production; to improve its
marketing system; to encourage adequate and skilled assistance for
agricultural enterprises; to maintain at fair prices uncontrolled by
speculation the instrumentalities and products of agriculture; to remove
unnecessary or unfair costs and obstacles in the transporation, storage,
processing, distribution, marketing, and sale of agricultural products;
to prevent frauds in the traffic therein; to promote an expanded demand
for the state's agricultural products and the intelligent uses thereof
by consumers as pure and wholesome food; to protect the public health
and to eliminate the evils of under-nourishment; to encourage the
selection and consumption of food according to sound dietary and
nutritional principles; and to make our people conscious of the bond of
mutual self-interest between our urban and our rural populations.
Accordingly, all laws enacted concerning the agricultural industry and
its allied subjects, whether included in this chapter or not, are to be
deemed an exercise of the police power of the state and a discharge of
its obligations for the promotion of the general welfare through
state-wide laws and regulations, local initiative and government,
cooperative action between groups and localities, home-rule measures,
individual enterprise, civic consciousness, and appropriate coordination
with the federal government and as between educational research
institutions within the state.
Such laws and all governmental measures adopted pursuant thereto
should receive a liberal interpretation and application in furtherance
of the aforesaid policy and purposes.

1 comment:

  1. John,
    This should be required reading for every damn fool in N.Y.State government-it should be promently posted in every office, restroom,break area, corridor, and chamber in Albany... then all we could hope for is our legislators retaining the ability to read and comprehend it, and the honesty and character to honor and heed it. In 1922, the average State Legislator might not have had the educaton of todays, but they certainly displayed far more intrgrity,insight and common sense...excellent post, John.
    Nate Wilson
