Monday, August 16, 2010

Export Price for Cheddar

(click on image to enlarge)

In the last post I showed the growth of exports compared to world trade in general. Such a boost might seem to suggest discount prices. Not so.

On average for the first six months of 2010,CME prices, upon which farm milk is based were $0.42 less than the export price for Cheddar.



  1. Only if you are a processor!

  2. Speaking of processors-Jerry Kozak, speaking for the National Milk Producers Federation has discussed a new plan "Foundation for the Future". It is suppose to be a new way of pricing milk. He says that "the proposed overhaul has the backing of dairy cooperatives accross the US." Notice that this does not say diary farmers. The cooperatives make money when the price of milk is down. This is, in my opinion, the foxes designing the chicken house. They are costing us, our government, and our consumers.

  3. First of all "National Milk Producers Federation " should get a name that fits what they really do like National Farmer Rip Offs of America or something. Do not ever be fooled by anything Kozak says. They are a COOP lobby and only do what the BIG coops tell them to do, not what the farmers need them to do. At no time are they representing the best (or any) interests of farmers.
